Asset & resource

Elevate Your Event with LIVE. Assets

Offers downloadable templates for banners, ticket profiles, and galleries to ensure a professional look and boost ticket sales. Create standout assets with ease and confidence using LIVE. by Wonderpass.

App Asset Template
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Adobe Illustrator Template

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Adobe Photoshop Template

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3 Tools
Updated on: April 22, 2023
App Guideline
Adobe Acrobat
Updated on: April 06, 2023
App Guideline Download

Brand Banner, Brand Category, Ticket Profile, Product Gallery, Highlight Section, QR guideline

App Guideline Download

Brand Banner, Brand Category, Ticket Profile, Product Gallery, Highlight Section, QR guideline

Brand Banner
App Guideline

It is where almost every app users see the event/brand/service. So, every brand shall use an attractive, clear, simple, straight to the point in your headline messaging and include a CTA that respects your goals and your visitors’ needs.

Brand Category
App Guideline

The brand category is customizable.
You shall manage your events/services/products in different & creative types of categories as you desire.

Ticket Profile
App Guideline

It includes the event/product/brand detail as the following guideline

Ticket Details
App Guideline

It includes the event/product/brand detail as the following guideline

Highlight Section
App Guideline

You may put your brand/service/event activities to hook the audience.

Size QR code
QR Code Guideline

The QR code should be large enough to be easily scanned by a smartphone, but not so large that it takes up too much space on the printed material. A QR code that is25 mm square or 115 pixels is typically a good size for most purposes.

QR Code Guideline

Ensure that the QR code is easy to locate on the printed material or artwork, and placed in a location where it can be easily scanned with a smartphone camera. Avoid placing the QR code in areas with busy backgrounds or corners where it may be obscured.

QR Code Artwork

QR Code for Poster

Ensure proper contrast
QR Code Guideline

QR codes should have high contrast between the code and background for easy smartphone scanning. The best practice is to use dark codes on light backgrounds and light codes on dark backgrounds.

Provide a clear call-to-action
QR Code Guideline

To ensure people know what to do when they scan the QR code, include a clear message or visual cue next to the code that instructs them to scan it and explains what they will receive from doing so. This can be done with a short message or an accompanying image that indicates the purpose of the QR code.

Standee Artwork

Scan to download Standee

How to register LIVE. account
How to purchase eTicket
How to transfer eTicket
How to scan eTickets to enter the event
How to add ticket to LIVE. app
How to connect LIVE. wearable
How can i register LIVE. app?
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